Sarah Igbinosa
UI Designer with focus on Designer system
🇳🇬 living in 🇩🇪
✉️ Sarafinny04@gmail.com
🎶 Currently listening to
🖐🏾 Hey, it's me
🚧Working with component
Creatives I learn from
Basic Button
Thank you for stopping by 🧍🏾♀️🖐🏾.
UI Designer with focus on Designer system
🇳🇬 living in 🇩🇪
✉️ Sarafinny04@gmail.com
🎶 Currently listening to
🖐🏾 Hey, it's me
🚧Working with component
Creatives I learn from
Basic Button
Thank you for stopping by 🧍🏾♀️🖐🏾.