대덕sw마이스터고등학교 졸업(2021.03 ~ 2024.02)
제 19회 TOPCIT 3수준
전공동아리 INFO 동아리장(2022)
2023 대전지방기능경기대회 클라우드 컴퓨팅 동상
정보기기운용기능사 (2023.07.12)
AWS SAA (2022.12.17)
AWS CCP (2022.07.23)
리눅스마스터 2급 (2022.09.23)
SQLD (2022.06.17)
네트워크관리사 2급 (2021.10.19)
정보처리기능사 (2021.10.01)
Something I did.....
Spring MSA Backend (using Spring Cloud) Server designed with Hexagonal Architecture for Daedeok SW Meister High School job site backend
terraform & ansible scripts for Cosmos simapp
HexInspector: File inspector that process not only common file but also file system(like FAT32)
deploy script for info backend service
Provides terraform scripts about AWS services like VPC, EC2, ALB, ECS, Kinesis... You can find a suitable script and use it, and you can easily find it through diagrams.